Sometime in the past month my mantra became, “just do what you can.” I didn’t even realize I had been saying this to myself until this morning. The baby was crying, which woke the toddler up early, which meant no shower, and on and on. You know how it goes. And as the house steadily exploded with dirty bottles and toys and Cheerios, I threw the kids in the stroller and we got outta there. Both were crying. Both were tired. Sure, I needed to clean my house – but what we needed more was a new scene, and there wasn’t time for both. So I poured my coffee and thought, “just do what you can.”
Because, momma, on those days when all is going wrong, wrangle up the kids and just go. Go. Even if you only have an hour, or you haven’t showered, or the toddler just made a gigantic Play-Doh mess, or the baby is having a conniption. You might realize an hour at the park was just the thing to reset the day. You might meet some other moms also hiding their greasy hair with baseball hats. You might make your peace with that blue Play-Doh stain on the carpet. You might discover that the baby is calmer listening to little kids laugh and yell on the playground, and peacefully dozes off in the carseat.
You just might find what you need if you let go of what you don’t. So just do what you can, my friend, and let the good Lord cover the rest.