I’m Jill. I’m a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers. This is where I write about the ups and downs of motherhood, hopefully giving you some encouragement along the way. You’re not alone in this thing, sister, and you’re definitely not the first to test the limits of dry shampoo and yoga pants.
Listen, being a mom isn’t easy.
Come on in and laugh a little. Be encouraged. Hear my story. Read about what’s on my heart lately. Learn about practical ways to take better care of yourself. Get some easy, fun ideas for your kids to teach them about God. Check out some freebies.
And if your kid keeps jumping on your lap and asking for a snack and now you have to rummage through your pantry for Goldfish, come back when you can.
Just know that you are enough, my friend.
Just know that you are enough, my friend. Throw up a little prayer and ask Jesus for a little extra grace to make it through the day – that’s his speciality, you know. “Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.” -John 1:16
Because if I’ve learned one thing in motherhood, it’s that if Jesus had a playlist, he’d put grace on repeat.