Meanwhile, I’m trying to prep dinner with my 16-month-old on my hip because said 3-year-old kept sitting on her. I’m doing Navy SEAL breathing exercises. I’m renouncing the devil and all his ways.
To all the moms who feel like they’re failing
You are not enough for your kids. And you are not supposed to be.
Nothing wrong with a B average
Still lots of healing and recovery, but that’s best done at home anyways, where your 2-year-old brother can kiss you on the head and sing you songs and yell from his room when he hears you crying and he’s supposed to be sleeping, “Em-wee! You okay? Em-wee okay?!” Yeah, bud. Em-wee’s okay. 🙂
Hang with me. I’m not trying to belittle the way we live our lives or the problems we face, but could we all just agree for a moment that the only reason you’re reading this blog is because you have access to the internet and spare time to actually access the internet?
It’s time
He isn’t afraid to sit down in our big emotions with us and let us feel what we need to feel. And somehow his presence and strength prevents us from being totally swallowed up by the power of those emotions.
For all the moms having a hectic morning: just do what you can
And as the house steadily exploded with dirty bottles and toys and Cheerios, I threw the kids in the stroller and we got outta there. Both were crying. Both were tired. Sure, I needed to clean my house – but what we needed more was a new scene, and there wasn’t time for both. So I poured more coffee and thought, “just do what you can.”